Showing posts with label Affiliate marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affiliate marketing. Show all posts

2020 February Overcoming A Block Stop A Re-remembering What You Were Doing

How to Get stronger convictions / Sticking with what you want to do / Focusing and staying focused on personal goals / Finding the strength to overcome self sabotage /  Moving beyond old routine

After a few months of doing something everyday I saw something enticing, more profitable see able amounts for my time. However this new information made me completely stop doing anything around what I was doing. This is a pattern I recognise, this is an issue which I noticed has happened many times before and now I am willing to address this in words. I think this will be helpful for you as it will for me. This phenomenon is nothing life threatening, however it is a problem. My names Robert and I want to get stronger convictions by sticking with productive things I do which have been clearly highlighted as a way to achieve goals I have and I have a desire to overcome this self sabotage which has been for many years preventing me from going backwards to old routines. This will be challenging, I will need reminders to remind me and I will need to revisit this, because I know these patterns are buried deep inside of me. Sound cool? If so have a read. Be mindful though this is just theoretical and I open to suggestions in the comments below.

What is an emotional block? Emotional blockage consists of barriers that keep us from thinking creatively in order to achieve our goals. Many people go through life at a pretty normal pace, but suffer from an emotional blockage in one area of their lives or the other. How do you clear a mental block? The most effective strategies for how to get rid of mental blocks focus on the root of what keeps people stuck. 1. Take control of your state. 2. Focus on the present. 3. Recognize the signs of a breakthrough. Reprogram your mind. Calm your environment.

If you are thinking that is a good thing, there are factors that stop you thinking and is a very comfortable place. Often confused with physical activity introduced where it was not present before. Change has rippling effects, this could be one reason by pauses occur, when we want or had perpetual motion. The conscious mind for generations has connections with worldly adaptations more natural for human society to consume. Any resistance to consumerism will push and pull in a variety of directions. You stop buying this then lapse and buy that is one simple example. Instead forget about the topic of consumerism, you are not a commodity and the world will continue to turn without access to your shopping receipts.

Knowledge from current experience needs winding, we have already wound it to peak capacity, so why completely stop and in doing so forget. Writing down and linking parts of the puzzle may help getting back to where we left of when we do eventually overcome or decide to dive back in. In the short time you leave it, left long enough you will forget. Leaving browser windows open helps but it is not enough. You will need enthusiasm to login again, you will have to understand and be adaptable to change navigating around websites. Bookmarks will disapear, often cloud plugins prevent pages from opening. Document what you do, maximise your time on doing the highest yield, avoid greed and follow what is suggested (without distractions) on home pages. Some sites are very supportive and want to succeed but most however are not. They just want your longest gaze. When you are on your own doing things time flys by to quickly. If you have others doing things for you, you want them to be productive, by giving clear instructions it will be much quicker to check they made there quotas instead of settling for happy for the help syndrome.

Spatial awareness changes when you decide to stop. Interruptions happen which in hand shuffle patterns and if you are like me often when shuffling you drop the whole deck and in so spend time on menial tasks of cleaning up, then you look at the time. Additional information can shut you down, this can takes days to reset. In that time you have forgotten little things that will take up hours of your productive time. However a break is valid it makes you human, like human they want you to be. Change is unnatural so letting go of reason is a good thing. My internal monologue however is a problem too. Part of one of these mind-maps shows the importance of spending time in different situations with other people. These situations support the pursuit of overcoming difficulties. Is hard though to make the synaptic links until you have done it. Doing it is important however attributing each to what you do is conflicting in the sabotaging mind. Try treat each separately, and remember not everything needs to be written down, especially when it comes to social settings. You might not be like me. If you've found in search I suspect you will be looking for reasons to close this tab as fast as possible. Write your own version this might help you, like I hope is helping me now.
I have embraced a quick selection of visual images and mind maps in the pursuit of happiness, hopes of fitting in, moving towards the correct shape for the right post. Think right charger for a device or the correct cog for a wheel which has been turning for years with an unsatisfactory output. Yet there is no one man or thing to gauge yourself with. Doubt creeps in, time stops, forget occurs, back to square one in a field of nothingness. Nice to see but uncomfortable to think as you reflect on the memory of something that has never worked satisfactorily to you. Recognise when this happens and know opposites have no rhythm of reason. Nothing you do is pointless however there is always a goal to get in the way. If you have a goal you are passionate about reaching then this should far out-way the dichotomies of life.
Facetime with most entities is productive as long as we are able to process as well as remember about what we daily learn. Evolving with memory loss is a daily task. This can be just what you need on that given day. However you might not be there yet, acknowledge that and put on a shelf someplace. Don't get lost in searching for solutions in this, not today. Today you might miss an important opportunity to shine. If you do well the feedback you get from yourselves and overtime other people might help. Perhaps there are softer ways. Please let me know at anytime below on what you can bring to the tables. 

I can see my selection of images 'stress' is a reoccurring end result attributed with psychological blocks. No stress is important to me, but in that time I forget things. Finding balance solutions then are physical breaks, movement, more oxygen made in the body to pump the brain with expanding capacities. Is getting near the hour and I apologise but I will stop here. This entry is not complete, nor has it even touched the sides of a solution, however it is something I wanted to do and feel it is a step in the right direction.

The Amazing CPA MLM PPC SEO Widget

If you’re like me, you’ve probably seen just about
every type of sales pitch out there.
CPA.  CPL.  MLM.  PPC.  SEO.  Private label.  Resale
rights. Ebooks.  Membership sites.  Mobile phone
marketing. Ebay.  Direct response sites.  Blogs.
Affiliate marketing. Video marketing.  Forced
continuity.  Micro continuity.
The list goes on, and there’s one BIG thing they all
have in common.
TIME.  As in, they all take serious time to master.
That’s not a *bad* thing.  But these days, time is a
precious commodity.  So undertaking a “jedi affiliate
training course” to become the next Ewen Chia isn’t
feasible for many of us.
Well, just recently I ran across something that
practically knocked me out of my ergonomic computer
…Something that single-handedly levels the playing
field for those of us without much time to spare, yet
still want to pursure the coveted “Internet lifestyle
of setting our own hours and making money in our
This has to be the QUICKEST, and like they claim
“laziest” way that I’ve ever come across to make
serious cash online.
Check it out and I’d love to see you inside the member
area so that we can maybe even somehow “join forces
and really go crazy with this:
Here For Your Success,
Robert Bridge

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How to create income using the Internet

Affiliate marketing illustration by User:xDani...Image via Wikipedia
Secrets to Creating Passive Online Income Using the Internet
Online passive income is basically income that is made online with little to no work after the original set up and it is made by selling products on affiliate links. The primary sources for passive online income are AdSense ads and other PPC (pay per click) ads that viewers visit. Passive income trumps ordinary go-to-work jobs because of the flexibility offered in terms of the number of hours required, location of the work, and the ease of access any time of the day or night.
Any free to use article can be posted on Google AdSense to create income. To avoid infringing on copyright laws be careful to keep the author biography intact and not to change anything in the article. Immediately after posting the e-book or a product on line, that page is available to the public to read and/or purchase and it is online for good without having to worry about re-doing it.
Learn How to Create Passive Online Income Using the Internet
Why not do something for yourself that will really be a great benefit for both you and your family? It really is possible for anyone to learn how to create passive online income using the internet. Others have been successful and if you have the drive and desire then you can begin to earn more money at home by using some of the same methods that have transformed others into web based millionaires.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do less work and earn more money?
You would be your own boss and get to set your own hours when you have multiple streams of passive income adding dollars to your bank account every day.
You don’t have to wait around hoping for a raise because you can give a raise in pay to yourself whenever you choose.
Your time is now yours to control and you can spend quality family time at home with your spouse and kids.
There is no cap on the amount of passive income you can earn because the sky is the limit.
Here are some of the ways that you can learn how to create passive online income using the internet as your main resource;
These informative guides are hot sellers online and there is still time for you to get in on the market. You can see e-books that have already been written or create a new one that covers interesting topics that people are seeking to learn more about. If your books are popular you can even make money by charging a small fee to allow others to print and resell them.
Affiliate Programs
When you sign up with affiliate programs you earn money when customers buy products from the affiliates. All you do is to include these products and affiliate sites on your own web pages and let the customers do the rest. Your parent affiliate site stocks the products, keeps a track on any sales and customers that enter through your online sites and send you commission checks when sales are made.
You do not have to try and make customers buy anything and once your site is set up your work is essentially done. Join an affiliate that provides multiple levels and this will increase your earning potential because you can earn an additional commission when your affiliates bring in sales.
Put banners and links on your site that advertise other companies and you can earn a great deal of extra money with no work involved. This is one of the top ways that many people choose when they are first beginning to learn how to create passive online income using the internet.
You can even sell advertising space in your newsletters or e-books to earn passive income instantly.
There are many other ways to create multiple streams of passive income at home. You can create software courses for people to sell and buy. You can earn money through your blogs online. You can even make money with programs such as Pay Per Click and Google AdSense.
If you really want to become successful then you should consider the many opportunities available that allow you to learn how to create passive online income using the internet.
To find out more about how to stop working by the hour and start creating a passive online income then click the link below and
watch a short getting started video!
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