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Secret #1 - Tiny Tweaks Can Make HUGE Changes... I'm going to show you 4 of my TOP subjects readers love reading about they are SO simple, and you will love reading about this stuff DRAMATICALLY increase your blog skills!

Secret #2 - Not All People Read The Same Way...bLet me show you where to start reading I add BEFORE my speed content you can go over that allows me to know EXACTLY how to get readers!

Secret 3 We found that 98% of readers came from just 3 topics.  If you're focusing on anything else, you're just spinning your wheels.

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Exit EU Variables: The Pros & Cons

The EU ( European Union) was created a few years ago in support of the new currency called the Euro.         Before Europe went with one world currency to fix interest rates America was considering a similar thing.        President Obama (Potus) at the beginning of his reign over America made sure the Almero did not come to pass. 
Eight years later we are receiving visits here in the UK by the Potus American Hawaiian Prime Minister.

     This Friday Potus and Prime Minister David Cameron will link up and discuss the state of the UK Union Address. 
     The news about these sorts of conversations are coming in live. Late last night I heard Obama's fleet of helicopters fly over Tottenham perhaps to see where Adele the musician was brought up. Either that or they checking me out.

     Britain is not the only country in talks with President Obama. As he comes to the end of his Presidency this recent tour of duty is more than just about Britain not wanting to support a one world currency, Greece and Iceland also want out. Turkey has said to be still on the fence about things.
     Reportedly this week reports come in about statements made by town mayors who have been sizing up the recent campaigns. Do we get behind a failing state or one that is about to end or start thinking about how to save the pennies. Arguably that statement has already been made for us, the pot of money is now all but empty.

     Exit strategies are nothing new and everybody knows how these things end up. The promises made in Egypt to neighbouring countries including Europe has decreased the true value of Europe's extravagance.

     Countries outside of the EU like the ones who used to be in the Warsall Pack have very low currencies compared to the rest of the rising economies. Because of this more people travel there to see the sites and because local residents cannot afford to leave the country the economy does well. 

Wages are low but they do not live in a sweat shop or dictatorship. 

They have low overheads and no one over them asking for monthly payments that mean nothing to the all seeing eye.

Absurd Romance

The windows are all steamed up. We can hardly see th -isness, rness and conkers on a string. Glib is shifts & Giggles? Games in the parlour. Eye Spy with my fat eye, Simon Says, Musical Chairs, a film spinning and a book opening. - through all the precipitation. A sound of grunting as rumplestilskin strokes the wheel and haybale. At night there is work to be done, spinning all sorts of yarns.

The sound of her voice carried like a siren from a fire truck on a burning effergy signed with the index finger as a yellow smiley. He copied her Grecian tones by inhaling balloons then blurting out silly things in high pitch voices. There is not all that much room in a bed with such a sensitive balloon.

Outside the garden is gleaming with dew from the days before s sticky rain. The soil in winter resembles sticky rice and the grass unravels like sushi sleeping bags. Their eyes rotate around the conveyor belt swilling around lovestuck. The melodies bang on next doors noisy neighbours.

She was hesitant at first, she soon got into the swing of things and hearts fluttered whenever they gelled up together. It was his heavy breath, she soon grew fond of that colloidal smell from his breath and loved his shiny teeth. In her bag pack she always carried lip gloss and menthol nasal spray. He on his travels carried in his fanny pack soaked almonds and slices of wrapped lemon cake. Comfort food he would caress on his way to earn a living. They both kept up with one another by sharing coded lingua franca. They had a shared lingo.

Wherever he spoke she smiled, a lot of people smile when he speaks. He is that kind of guy with a resonant voice that leaves people rattling for more. They both had an amazing skill of talking into the Mic at exactly the right distance. They both tried explaining but found solstice in each other's warm embrace. In his arms she felt cliche, his pockets she found comfort but questioned his choice of travel packs.

After a long hard day they both suffered from smelly arm pitts. They would bury themselves in each other's work and get home all tired and sweaty. A lot of this stuff they did not want you to know about. If you travel a mile with any of these people it's really not hard to miss the sweaty stench. Of course there is nothing wrong with a good days hard work on the photocopier. They emailed each other's shadow prints daily. Work was just another chance to share those tokens of love which every couple should openly do.

He opened her lips wide to let see what's inside her glossary and always found all sorts of sweet delights. She knew many words and in her head she possessed an arsenal of things to pull from that dictionary of theirs.

March 2015 Social Media Tips

MMC II Media Marketing Communications Part II

Mobile phones and cloud based software Adabas Natural and mainframes.

The PCA Agency the radio's they use are specialist support, the national DNA database Police National Computers has been around for 30 years and is critical to all vehicles and all convictions in the world. The software platform it runs on is an Adabas system and Natural, this has been the case for over twenty years. This brings handheld devices information to be communicated with police to make places safer.
ANPR recognises reads through a machine and sends the data to the PNC which has the ANPR software and checks the details of the license plate. The main concern for the police right now is the Olympics held in London for the technology of hand held communications.
This German software has what is known as a back office within the office that has complex and well developed e-commerce and customer user options that appeal to a broad range of facilities developed in the Industry of IT. Adabas and Natural in its panel tracks IP addresses, measures the amount of hits to sites and web pages very similar to AJAX. These facilities include anything from forms and mainframes that give the user the ability to fill in the correct clustered files. This data is often very sensitive, for example the registries do not want such sensitive data available to the general public but equally many companies do not want their repositories intercepted. There can be many reasons for this and there have been recently over the past two years suggestions of Cloud based integration to minimise the amount of Bandwidth that is needed to hold this type of data, however Cloud based hosting has not yet managed to tick all the security required boxes. This is one reason why there are fears about cloud based software.
This increases production via the web and improves the ability to integrate new and further advanced open source software. The measurement of this data within the software can be converted in the graphs and bar charts. The medical industry use this software to report to their peers the statistics and numbers of cases and patients that they have served. This is also good for other services already mentioned like police services and is used on a global scale. This also appeals from stores like toy shops, mobile companies that sell mobile devices and accessories and have reportedly thanks to the software increased their productivity three fold since implementing the software.
Understanding this type of information and how IT have developed and packaged this type of data is revealed in the book, process Intelligence for Dummies. In this book you will find out how to track (KPI) the key performance indicators this in turn helps deliver data to the right places almost immediately and helps the users process the data within chosen array of options. By measuring KPI and identifying measurable and recorded data within the database, within a closed environment only accessible by members on the website and delegate roles and responsibilities to access the various layers within the (LANS) Local access and (WANS) worldwide data the world organisations can greatly improve and hybridise there skills and expertise through the accumulation of this data.
From a humanitarian perspective the software also has an additional blueprint based on research from companies like NASA who had to conceptualise data for cosmonauts and astronauts alike who would be going into scenario's that would often have to be predicted before they could even be recorded. The merging of this information helped develop the template they offer in the software and as you can imagine this type of data is not only tailor made by blueprint but also has to be flexible enough to be upgraded as an when the new open source software that has been tested and approved, then in-turn can then be integrated into the software. The mainframes play a big part in this.
Since July of last year the suggested Cloud based research on smaller industries have been in place. The positive reasons outside of having to pay less money for bandwidth with the addition of quicker load-ability for countries where the internet services are much slower, there is an underlying thought about security.
The security claims are 99.9% however this data has not been proved recorded and statistically developed enough for Cloud based technology to get the nod with Police forces and medical records within hospitals and GP practices which rightly demand a 100% guarantee that sensitive and important data cannot be breached as indeed any other governance. A good example of this is when you take the tribal warfare principle and apply it to local services such as the Navy and there Round Table objectives, the services recommended to country has to be accountable to other companies and alliances within the world to improve the Globalisation procedures, but changing times require different levels of integrity.
This is enough to create many suspicious minds, but gleefully this position as globalisation becomes more of a reality is flattening out. Another suspicion is aimed at corporations and big bonuses because having access to the higher levels of such large databases, especially when the flow of money is included in the measurements the fear of tampering with the size of bonuses from Top down within the software is a reality. I'm sure the data within the software measures this to for every change there will be a recording of any internal edits made within the system.
Similarly there also abilities for people with the right key and have access to press the right buttons have the ability to manipulate the system, this is why I support 100% the development and ability to allow hybridisation of new software within any system as and when it needs to be adjusted. This is also why software that has the ability to break down companies structure to a granular level they can signpost and almost mind-map the synaptic and mnemonic links. This is why measurements online are important, but also it is important to understand how to not only use the measurement devices for example Google Addsense and know where to go with the Global tracking, know where and why to find the IP addresses, know IP Addresses in order to dismiss or possibly track the root of Flipped common IP addresses, to find the customer who actually seeks the service, or in some cases take additional steps to protect the database.
In conclusion technology has in part like businesses a constructed amalgamation of necessary small important components, and with each in place the product you get at the end is granular collection, some of these will have positive and negative impacts whilst others the system will not function without, sorting through all these things can help.

Rich Media Content

Some more of that RMC, sound good? From API bars too fluid templates filled with Java script widgets all wrapped up in a bunload of moving content.
Statistically content creation is changing, its obvious the text moves from the lexical (the most popular method of communications) to the audio rss feed blast to the moving slides and internal video's at the bottom of a rich media filled journal post.
The introduction of the image, the image as a meta tag highlighted as a discurse and eye catching preamble of the days blurbs. The feed is outside of the comments usual hum drumb via audio, and the audio is simply a rehash of the lexical but vital part of identifying and understanding the author.
The lexical is outside of copyright, when backed up by the audio. The irony of rich media content is the video although moving is stuffed full of images, just like the lexical about two years ago. This type of stuffing invisible or visible is identified as irrelevant and incomprihensible however the idea still applies across the board.
The translation remains the same, its not something that gets losts in transmission through the RMC, the structure remains the same and the moving slides highlight a syncronisity beyond palpable description. And as slides move into the realms of competition we see the need for more questions, RMC content requires more market research. Its always an idea to have sturdy marketing foundations these days.
And its nothing without social media, the personal shring of content fans out into various places, its up to the community to share and its upto the students who are searching still, who are wishing to learn more that support the ideal rich media content creation. A world stuffed full of equal RSS feeds, mixed with various types of media content.
The code of the lexical is simplified by the original HTML, the image that highlights and represents the text is smushed so as the image does not slow down the loading of the page, so its ironic to understand the base of any posts. Moving around the options is the only confusion.
Following on from previous years, as the understanding of an aggregated mix and match matrixes empahsis the importance of an image. These images are simple memes that add little plus buttons to the brand. The heading is exact and open for misinterpretation, most people stick with the lexical, but the new journal apllies HTML5, videos in the moving slides, video's in the background.
This sadly means phasing out older browsers, this also means the broadcasting and advertisement of the tablet. Systematically understanding all this will add to the new movement from standing up and sharing, and showing these calculations from such a big calculator is compelling to the point everyone will follow suit and invest there hard earned cash on such a new device.
The bandwidth is changing, and the content used with have to cater for this. There are widgets that boost these types of considerations and whilst most of us just wait for loading to occur many of the us will just scroll away, so bookmarking will become the new way a browser browses the WWW4.
With that said and understanding the multi duplex introduction of the same content, and the knowledge that metaphors still exist in the educating code we can begin to shine by distributing the content correctly. The problems that arise seem to iron out as 2012 takes its hold, and as those of us think about selling or somehow monetising our clever books, we move into a community larger than spatial awareness.
In conclusion the rich media content is a norm, but the rate at which the media changes, the need for visual wall amounted 3D i mapping, and the usual desire to be entertained becomes key. Its accessing this type of data that seems to visually dictate what goes where. Sourcing all this is the only problem, reading this may even seem to be copied and pasted.
All the more reason to speak,
Dragon software helps with the typing, having a secretary helps with the editing, having a decent editing video software in the hands of someone creative enough to make a fancy collage, should also help. Just for today though I just leave it all down to the lexical.
The rich media content or RMC could also stand for something else, accronyms are not a big forte of mine, editing is not my profession, articles often take a while to be approved, but getting reassurance from the comments of your journal will help you refine the rich media content. Conflictingly the speach as a future source can be held back by the hesitations of the breath and limited to the language of the mother tongue, it just depends whether you are a good actor or a knowledgable coherent type of person, the order in which you prefer this RMC, you see.
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Path To Mastery 2 This evening The Strand London

Robert Bridge, personnel development and workshop seminars in London for your path to mastery
The Path To Mastery 13th March 2012 The Strand
The Path To Mastery is a course that consist of a series of seminars that lead onto webinars. The seminars are very good and attract a lot of young and wise people in London who join and participate. The course is ran by Darren Eden and Ryan Pinninck.
The Path To Mastery takes a look at all the sci-fi films and stories from the past twenty years to understand how to step into a path of success. The stories are explained by Darren and grouped together to tell a complete story to step onto or understand your own Path Of Mastery.
The stories about these films helps us recap the knowledge encrypted in these films. They also understand the shift that has happened in 2012 and the stories we all listen to and all understand. This helps bring in the passive into the practical.
Darren manages to integrate the passive entertainment and his own pass times and hobbies to explain what he means for example when he reels of all the films we have all watched, to the exciting hobbies some of us do in Darren experience it is sailing.
The training is very broad and will appeal to people from all backgrounds. Darren highlights the things that happen as you progress online. He mentions the things that will and do happen and completes this analogy with an underlining effect on personal energy snd brings this back to The Path Of Mastery.
The webinar below will offer solutions for explaining and turning around the things that happen as you progress. In the light of the Path To Mastery this will help you keep up your energy. Even if you do not get to watch the webinar or attend the seminar this evening, the crucial thing I would like to highlight is this:
  1. As you progress you will meet people who will tell you stuff, these people are gate keepers and very knowledgeable about what you are also doing. They will challenge you, and yes it is a test and yes it will effect your energy.
  2. Mastery requires something extraordinary, but extraordinary is something we all have but you must live this and unite the two parts of self, the conscious and the sub conscious powers.
  3. The force of all things within success and wisdom is a based on a big why and that why is fuelled by love and passion in this case experience, without experience there is no understanding.
Understanding these three things may seem very basic but is a good beginning for unity, as friendships and thoughts are formed. This understanding will resonate with everyone in light of the things that will happen online as you progress 'the journey' of The Path To Mastery.
This will help you understand important chapters of your own life when you see it unfold before you and this hopefully will give you the wisdom to react the right way. This should help keep up your energy levels, as those that know try and stop you in your tracks.
The reality is new things do happen and servants do eventually become masters, we all have these opportunities and like in the films we all have a legacy.
It does not matter where you come from or what you have inherited from your family tree The Path To Mastery is always similar. The world has opened up and the same opportunities are available regardless of what you want to do.
Finally I would just like to take this oppurtunity to thank this team of euducators in London of online marketing and logistics advocates for what they are teaching, this includes Darren Eden and Ryan Pinnick and everyone else behind the scenes.
The Path To Mastery is not something compulsory but is something that will help. If you are quick and you live in London you may still have chance to book your ticket in the Strand Hotel in London this evening here.

The Magic Of Believing

Claude Bristol an author and journalist wrote a highly acclaimed book The Magic of Believing and I would like to discuss a thing or to about this here. 

     Last week I discussed this book with a friend over the mobile phone. We both went through it, studied it and came to the conclusion, yes it is a still a great book. Now the fact that I am discussing this early last week confirms my belief that my venture capital friend is right in saying 'Robert don't become a scatter brain'. 

     Interestingly a few days later a created a culinary delight that turned out to be a digestive dilemma, my hope is that this post will restore the playing field a bit. In this post you can find out the background that led to reading this book, an explanation of why we chose chapter six to introduce you to the author and some further insights to de-clutter and extend the possibilities of the program The Magic of Believing.

Goals revisited

Buffer I have listened to numerous courses on goal setting and have come across some great tips. All of them have helped, keeping the goals close have been the difficult part.

Understanding the formula of goal setting for business has made progress happen very slowly. The encouraging thing is things are happening. I feel very comfortable with my own progression.

Losing site of goals in my experience makes it difficult to reconnect or recharge all the goal setting work previously done. If you are looking to set goals there are many different personalised ways of doing it.

Yesterday my friend spoke about the three A's. I think perhaps this is why I am revisiting goals, also I have just received a packed give away from Jay Abraham. Out of all the lists of everything one thing stood out that sparked today's creativity and that obviously was goals.

Like already mentioned goals are where I am currently at in this minute and as you are reading this and you find things through Google search then I guess you are thinking exactly the same thing, please do not let me disturb you.

If you like have a quick read about what Jay has said in a video about goals. Firstly let me explain the three A's. The three A's are from my friend a venture capitalist who with a global panel of other venture capitalists are all being schooled in, practising and most importantly always looking out for.

 The three A's 

1. Attitude: without the right attitude you will not do well in business be sure to monitor yourself.
2. Action: You need to take action as soon as the thought comes to you or you notice a change.
3. Acceptance: Acceptance of your plan and pledge to follow through with an exit strategy. 

These three A's are from a conversation I had last night with a business consultant, Jay mentions them somewhere too.

I must add over the past three years studying the on line comprehensive secrets of successful goal setting the easiest I have found have been word of mouth from a friend in conversation, face to face in a comfortable tidy environment and nice food to go along with it.

 However I have to say three years ago listening to a transcript over and over again of a Brian Tracey audio about educating oneself and goal setting is something I can always use to gain energy and belief or in the three step formula you see above the attitude.

The right attitude in the case of goals is brain work.

Brian says this in one of his complete audio sections, he even recommends places to easily and reliably feed the brain to gain the necessary attitude needed these days for business.

There are many three step A's on line I know because I was just trying to remember the A's shared with me last night because I am still finding it difficult to process these things.

On a search alone I have found three valuable sources about the three A's but they have all been different.

Perhaps these other lists are accurate depending where you are at. You must have heard the saying you are only at where you at. Unfortunately without guidance, good friends to guide you or great sources of information to follow you will get overload. For example when I noticed the three A's from the government I felt hard done because their three A's are different to the three A's you see here.

Beneath that is a business venture consultancy and they have three perfectly good A's as recommended by the public information given on the IBM Global company website.

The fact that a company is an acronym you send warning signs out enough fro me to know that is just not where I am at nor is it answering the question that I needed to know. Just to emphasis this confusion for which I know nothing, here are the three A's perhaps this is where you are at and these are the three A's that you wanted to hear. On second thoughts I will leave out these other triple A's to success you can just Google the 'three A's Action'.Buffer